On 1 July 2020 the NDIA changed the way that funding recipients structure their work supports to offer them more choice and control.
Bedford’s Transition to the New Employment Model (NEM), is a huge opportunity for our Clients to reach their goals, and gives them the ability to set and achieve goals they haven’t previously known. Clients may have increased access to new training and one-on-one mentoring, social programs, skills development in new areas, or potentially a move into open- or self-employment.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Family and Carers of Bedford Clients
What are the New Employment Model changes?
Why are the changes to the New Employment Model happening?
When do the changes come into effect?
How does Bedford use the employment support budget?
How does a program of support work?
Is the New Employment Model value for money?
Why choose Bedford for workplace supports – are we better off going to open employment?
How Bedford can help my family member move across to the NEM?
What paperwork is required?
Are we likely to see a Service Agreement with a higher amount for employment supports?
What are we getting in return?
Will this affect their Disability Support Pension (DSP)?
Should we start looking at different options and alternative places of work and supports?
Can my family member continue working at Bedford?
Will their hours be reduced or increased?
What will be the impact on other parts of the Plan, eg, transport?
Who can help with the Plan Review?
Do you have any questions, feedback or require further information on the New Employment Model? Contact Bedford's NEM Helpline via the channels below:
- Email nemhelp@bedfordgroup.com.au
- Phone 0435 542 680 or 0435 001 858