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Holiday Closure
Bedford closes over the festive season - employees and staff are away from 22 Dec, with most departments returning 6 Jan, Day Options back on 7 Jan, and Packaging, Cleaning, and Hospitality returning on 13 Jan 2024. Balyana and Experiences continue as normal.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an exciting time for people with disability, their families and carers, bringing with it great opportunity. One of the biggest changes will be financial support that is tailored to the individual's needs and goals for the future.

You will hear the term 'support categories' more often. What this means is that Bedford will provide individual supports grouped together to deliver specific outcomes. For example, we will provide training programs that teach people how to manage their money, bank online and pay bills, and this will be under the support category 'improved daily living skills'.

Some of the support categories Bedford will provide support for are:

Assistance with daily life: Bedford can assist me to go about my day to day life. This includes assistance with personal care, household tasks and respite supports.

Assistance with social and community participation: Bedford can assist me to participate in social and recreational activities in the community.

Coordination of supports: Bedford can assist me to connect with mainstream supports and participate independently in the NDIS.

Improved living arrangements: Bedford can assist me with managing accommodation and tenancy obligations.

Increased social and community participation: Bedford can assist me with skill development, mentoring and counselling, either individually or as part of a group, to improve my capacity.

Finding and keeping a job: Bedford can provide me with ongoing support to find and keep a job.

Improved relationships: Bedford can provide a range of tailored supports which assist me to develop social skills.

Improved health and wellbeing: Bedford can assist me to improve my health and wellbeing by delivering assistance with exercise, diet and personal training.

Improved learning: Bedford can provide me with support to transition from school into further education and/or employment.

In order to get supports delivered by Bedford under any or all of these 'support categories', make sure you talk about what your life goals are when you meet with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Planner.

We are currently developing new and exciting programs under each of these support categories. These programs will be trained on the job, in a classroom, through a traineeship, through a course run by our Registered Training Organisation or maybe in a real life setting where you can learn and practice at the same time.

If you have any questions or concerns about the NDIS, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Phone: (08) 8275 0211